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Thursday, 7 July 2011

Day 4 RBE -Stuck in Brighton!

Everyone tired and a bit tetchy (!) last night after our previous nights sail so we all headed to bed at a reasonable time.

Weather has deteriorated and we now have an occluded front (sorry if Im getting too technical for you here!) with a Force 7/8 gusting around.  So it seems we are staying in Brighton for a day to ride it out - we are surrounded by shops - a 24 hour ASDA, a Wetherspoons (I may have mentioned that earlier.......), restaurants etc etc so the world isn't too bad a place after all!

We are having a day of study - doing harbour skills and working on our Day skipper workbooks.  Its only 8am right now and Im enjoying a cuppa sat here in my dressing gown (I did make a concession and didnt bring my fluffy slippers - Im taking this seriously you see!)

Now its lunchtime - and Duncan has spent a couple of hours with us studying - great lecture about the weather - for the 1st time John really understood about highs and lows (the weather that is!)

We all promised to be good students and get our work done, but the best student so far is ........

What a fabulous student busy reading Tom Cunliffe's book!

The dinghy inflated and we all practiced rowing one another around.....

very disappointing as no one fell in - my camera was however at the ready!


  1. Hi Jilly, good to see you are leading the crew in traditional seafaring ways......sun over the yardarm an all that.....keep up the good work and continue having well as working hard of course x x
